Tuesday, July 05, 2005


so when i think about the beginning of any drawing, i have to contemplate the datum. a line often used as a point of reference on a drawing. it can be anywhere or anything. it is different than the axis. some consider the horizon lines to be datums.

i sometimes forget the thin line that balances out my life. too much of anything is never a good thing. too little just as bad. i always seem to forget how much easier it is just to let some stuff go. no need to be on edge. it can be hard to know when i am on the verge of shrilldom.

too much sun has burned king max and he is now wrapped in gauze.

too much spending has currently left our bank account to only have $9.20. tomorrow that will change. thankfully. gratefully.

we have found our apartment for, what max and i hope to be, the next few years. it has five rooms. a dishwasher. a washer and dryer. a beautiful bedroom. a study! a large pumpkin colored bathroom. the owners are nice and new, and it is cheaper than the place we are living now. i am in love.



About Me

just learning how to be a real adult, whatever that is. i guess it means paying bills on time