Saturday, August 13, 2005

it is hot like no tomorrow


yeah, so it has been a very long time since i have written. thank god max was there to inform those out there who are interested that we are still alive.

i always seem to forget that moving is such a painful, horrendous, horrible, awful, painful, wretched, awful, horrible expirience. and we werent the most prepared. it turns out that both of us working full-time creates a very disorganized and uncompleted task list -- and packing was certainly low on the list of important things to do. why you ask? well, after moving heavy boards full of mohair and cut chenille, the last thing i wanted to do was pack. and i have to admit that when i feel like i am the only one preparing for something important like moving, i get really overwhelmed, freak out and stop any work towards completion of whatever project is needed to complete. it is very bratty, but there is something in me that doesnt like it when i am the only responsible one. except, it isnt really like that. i just become melodramatic and make myself feel all overwhelmed....well, you get the picture. so i become horribly annoying. i tried to do less of that. really. max may have a different opinion.

however, we are actually all moved in -- but that doesnt mean we are organized. still alot of putting away -- sigh. it makes my ocd freak out a bit, but the fact we were able to put some curtain rods up today with some mighty fine curtains makes me relax a bit. yes i am THAT crazy.

tomorrow is full of more house work -- damn it, the apartment will be completed tomorrow! IT WILL! and perhaps some relaxation too. i am embarrassed to admit that i have been playing an awful amount of grand theft auto: san andreas. but i cant stop racing around a fictisious city, having sex with hookers and then killing them for their money. oh this game totally defies all of my personal beliefs -- i just cant stop playing it.

school is soon. that is scary. i have been contemplating some old work. hence the picture.

north conway was beautiful. we drove on a highway called kangamangefrangipangisomething or other. there was once a man on the mountain, but he has since fallen off in a landslide. oops. now new hampshire is mascot-free. it is definitely sad, considering how much touristy stuff still has the picture of the old rock face on it.

i will try to be a bit more regular about this updating thing now that we have the mighty internet.

until next time,




About Me

just learning how to be a real adult, whatever that is. i guess it means paying bills on time