Thursday, July 12, 2007


so, i beginning to think i am more horrible than i thought.
we are getting rid of our futon, which feels like an accomplishment, like "hey, we have been out of undergrad for three years! time to get rid of the futon....". and just now, i realized it's been more like five. har.
so, anway, i put this futon on craigslist, and i have received some replies. except, i am totally judging people by their names. if it sounds sketchy, then i just delete. how can a name sound sketchy, you ask?
have you ever received a spam email that involved some king from some weird part of the world who needs somebody to deposit like a million dollars in some bank account, and you, as the depositer would receive a 10% cut, or something ridiculous. yeah, names like that. made up names. am i supposed to give this person my address?
also, i am totally not budging from my original asking price.
sometimes, you just cant take the michigan outta the girl. or the jew. you decide.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

freedom fries

so, the fourth was celebrated by going to max's work on our day off and working on school work.
can our lives get anymore exciting?!

also, do you see the gloriousness of the wallter hex wall applications? i hope you do. because the theme of the kidlet's decor is the delightful fuzzy bee, i thought it would be a nice touch to add some modern geometric shapes to balance. imagine if you will, a very barely yellow, with white trim. on one wall facing the door, either white or brown hex shapes will greet you, in some similar pattern to the picture. probably white. so amazing! ah! cute without being horrible! i know some parents might decorate their new kidlet room with lots of cutesy cartoony animals. not me, sister. the only cute fuzziness is the bedding. the rest shall be modern and clean. and honestly, the kid wont really know what is going on for some time.

my mother in law also already sent some exciting gifts, and i have to add, she sent me the most coveted item on my registry. the chicken head hat. oh god, it is amazing. if anything good comes out of this whole reproducing thing, it will be that i can dress it however i choose. and that means chicken head hats.



About Me

just learning how to be a real adult, whatever that is. i guess it means paying bills on time