Tuesday, August 01, 2006

red balloons

additionally, max informed me last night, that:

1. he has to agree with me in that america may not be the place we live, you know, like forever.
2. he has decided against my ideas of paris and perhaps florence, but has chosen BERLIN!

which of course reminds me of those hilarious cartoons in my german class that said things like,
ich ein berliner. or something. because, honestly, i dont remember much german. which, i suppose i should regret!

so, if and when we graduate, and then somehow snag jobs at international architecture firms in new york, we will then move to berlin and have children or own weiner dogs. or weimeraimers.


1 comment:

Robert said...

only after you've lived in new york.



About Me

just learning how to be a real adult, whatever that is. i guess it means paying bills on time